CRB's team of experts perform indoor air quality (IAQ) assessments for our clients using a consistent approach to identify and manage exposure risks. Our indoor air quality assessment capabilities include the following:
Air Permits Air permitting can be a complex process, and CRB provides detailed support for state and federal Air Construction and Operating Permit Applications. CRB personnel review facility operations, compile all necessary information, and prepare and submit the application to the appropriate agency. Permit and Compliance Strategy Development In the initial stages of the permitting process, CRB evaluates several factors including emission controls, emission offsets, qualifying exemptions and rule applicability. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permitting The provisions associated with PSD establish specific construction & operating permit requirements. CRB evaluates PSD applicability, then prepares and submits the permit application. Title V Permitting CRB offers a full range of Title V services including review of regulatory requirements, application preparation, construction of a compliance program and maintenance of required records. We assist with fee calculations by compiling facility usage records and calculated emissions to determine relevant fees. Negotiation with Regulatory Agencies CRB frequently interacts with permitting agencies to address issues that arise during the permitting process to obtain permit provisions. Emissions and Control Technology Evaluation Experienced staff members conduct an extensive evaluation, including identification and quantification of both controlled and uncontrolled source emissions. Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) requires qualifying facilities to submit an annual release report of toxic substances. CRB can assist in the determination of facility eligibility, calculation of toxic emissions and submission of reporting forms. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) Analysis and Reporting For sources subject to NESHAP, CRB compiles facility usage records, calculates emissions, and submits appropriate reports to regulatory agencies. Annual Operating Reports CRB compiles facility usage records, calculates emissions, and submits the report to regulatory agencies. Air Emissions Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Review CRB conducts a technical evaluation of emission controls and economic feasibility. Air Compliance Audits CRB conducts compliance audits, which assist clients with the achievement and maintenance of compliance with regulatory requirements and permit conditions. Audits consist of a facility inspection and records audit. In addition, CRB is available to assist in compliance disputes with regulatory agencies. Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling Experienced staff utilize atmospheric dispersion modeling for regulatory permit support and planning, Risk Management Plans, ambient air monitor placements, source culpability analyses and research purposes. CRB staff use the MOVES2014, FLCO2, ISCST, ISCLT, CALMET/CALPUFF and EPA SCREEN models. We can also operate older Fortran models, including EPA's PAL2. Air Permits Air permitting can be a complex process, and CRB provides detailed support for state and federal Air Construction and Operating Permit Applications. CRB personnel review facility operations, compile all necessary information, and prepare and submit the application to the appropriate agency. Broward County Parking Lot Air Quality Study CRB performs air quality studies and consulting for parking lot carbon monoxide emissions. We work closely with the Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department to provide a dependable permit application submittal and review. Emission Inventories CRB maintains an emissions database for facilities to assist with permit compliance. |