What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring material that is comprised of six fibrous minerals. The most common asbestos minerals used in building materials are chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite. The USEPA and OSHA consider any material containing over one percent of any type of asbestos to be an asbestos-containing material (ACM). ACMs become hazardous when disturbed or damaged, which causes fibers that can present a serious health risk to be released into the air. ACM is typically found in the following materials:
The staff at CRB has performed hundreds of asbestos surveys and asbestos abatement projects nationwide, and we provide the following services for managing asbestos:
CRB's Asbestos Certifications
The Asbestos Survey CRB's asbestos survey is consistent with procedures outlined in Title 40, Code of Federal regulations Part 763.86. The asbestos survey includes:
Abatement and Maintenance If asbestos is present, CRB can prepare a cost-effective response plan including: